目前分類:School work (8)

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I can't imagine that I would have a day dealing with this kind of commands on unix system when I was still in Taiwan.I was not used to all the user interfaces without image display and mouse use, such as BBS and command line. But today, Terminal become the one of the top hits application on my mac. 
And I kind of enjoy doing my computer security homework.I am now in Powell library, using iMac. I noticed that mac users are more than those in Taiwan.I sat in the reading area, suddenly finding that I was surrounded in many macs, either students' own mac or rented from Powell library. I can see mac anywhere: in my room, in my suite mate's room, my floor mate's room, 9th floor corridor, in cafe, in classroom, in library, on grass, and even in elevators. After I came to United States, I found that resources for mac users are even more than for Windows users. In homework instructions, there are always a section, which goes to details to describe, for mac users. Mac is really useful for students who don't want to waste their time on computer problems. 

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ritarabbit 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I learned how to use time more efficient in ALC, and I am going to test it today.
I have god damn much things to do because I allowed myself to idle for 2 days doing nothing.

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ritarabbit 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


ritarabbit 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

ritarabbit 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This field is really interesting!
Don't misunderstand my words, I don't like the class at all.

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Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri
3 認識星空 日文二上
4 認識星空 日文二上
@ 日文二上
6 資料檢索
7 資料檢索 資結演算法
8 資料檢索 資結演算法
9 資結演算法

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